Greetings, this is Mrs. Taylor proud principal of Warren Central High School,
Good evening. we are one week away from a much needed 2 week break. As we get ready to head into the break, students should prepare to wrap up any assignments, turn in all work, and as always finish strong. When we return from break time will continue to fly by as students and staff work to finish the semester. Seniors should have purchased their cap and gown by now. For those still needing to purchase the link is still open and available in our school newsletter. Prom is right around the corner, and all guest forms must be turned in no later than March 21st. Tickets will go on sale after the break.
A few friendly reminders regarding drop off and pick up of students. Please note that the expectation still remains that all students being dropped off between 6:45-7:15 should be dropped off at Door 21. At the end of the day all car riders should be picked up at Door 21 only. We appreciate everyone following these expectations as this allows us to keep both our students and staff safe as they are moving through the lots. Additionally, please note that all student drivers should have purchased a parking pass. Cars in lots without the proper parking tags will be tagged and risk being towed. Students with tags should be parking only in lots 7 and 8. Thank you for helping us keep our students and staff safe by adhering to our drop-off, pick-up, and parking expectations.
Let's make this last week before break great! Have a great evening!