Good Evening,
This is Mrs. Taylor, proud principal of Warren Central High School calling with a few reminders and friendly updates. Please remember that our first eLearning day for this school year will take place Tuesday, September 6th. Students will be able to access their assignments via their Canvas courses. Teachers will be sharing expectations and guidance regarding access to work in the coming week. Also, please note that all schools will be closed Monday, September 5th in recognition of Labor Day.
Our students are working hard to complete work and meet learning goals. Teachers are working just as hard to support and meet all students' needs. Please make sure you are regularly checking in with your students to see how they are doing. Progress reports will be available in ParentVue starting September 1st. Do not hesitate to reach out to your student's teachers with any clarifying questions or concerns. Also, I am excited to report that tutoring will begin this Monday, August 29th from 2:30-3:45. Tutoring will be available moving forward Mondays and Thursdays. Anyone attending tutoring will need to have a ride pick them up at 3:45 from Door 21. There is NOT bus transportation available for tutoring at this time. We are working on securing it in the future. We ask that students who do not have a secured ride home at 3:45 not stay. Tutoring will be available in all subjects. Students will report to the West Cafe where a meal will be provided before students are directed to specific tutoring room assignments. Please reach out to your student's counselor with clarifying questions.
We still are striving for 97% attendance for all students. The goal is to "strive for 5" or less absences. We do recognize that things happen that result in a student being out. Please remember to call your student in if they will be out for any reason. You may call the main school line to access your student's specific grade level office. Also, remember that participation and eligibility for several extracurricular activities are contingent on students meeting our attendance and academic expectations. Our homecoming dance will be taking place on September 10th. Students who have met attendance and behavioral expectations will be able to purchase tickets at lunch on September 1st-2nd and September 7th-8th. Homecoming is open to grades 9-12. Tickets are on sale for $10.
Lastly, please continue to encourage your students to reach out if they are in need of assistance throughout the school day. The administration would love to help a student navigate a situation before it escalates to a behavioral concern or safety issue. All grade level Deans are readily available to assist a student at any time. Our goal is to keep both students and staff safe and that begins with open lines of communication. Help us support your student by reaching out on the frontend with any concerns.
We appreciate you and thank you for allowing us to serve your students!

Warren Central's Sunday Night Message: August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022