January 6, 2020
Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. We hope all of our families enjoyed the holidays and winter break.
Tomorrow, a...

January 2, 2020
The Warren Central Athletic Department would like to wish the entire Warrior Nation a Happy New Year!! Also, we would like to thank all of our loyal students, faculty, parents, a...

December 17, 2019
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Saturday, January 25, 2020 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. The forum will be held at Warren Education and Community Center, 975 N. Post Ro...
December 16, 2019
Good evening, this is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. I have a quick reminder that semester one finals are this Wednesday and Thursday with an early dismiss...
December 11, 2019
Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. As the end of the semester is quickly approaching we want to encourage our students t...
December 3, 2019
The Empty Bowls Project
Helping to Feed People in Need
Wednesday, December 4th, 5-7:30 PM, WCHS East Cafe'
Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effo...

November 22, 2019
Welcome to the Superintendent Spotlight! During the school year, I will be spotlighting people and programs throughout MSD Warren Township Schools that are having a positive impac...
November 18, 2019
11-17-19 Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. As a reminder, please join us for tomorrow night’s Town Hall meeting beginn...
November 12, 2019
College and Career Readiness is for all students! Starting conversations about careers in earlier years helps younger students begin to set career goals and improves academic perf...
November 10, 2019
11-10-19 Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. We are continuing to collect items for our Huddle Against Hunger campaign e...

November 8, 2019
Dear Warren Families,
Our goal in MSD Warren Township is to provide a safe and high quality educational experience. As you may have heard, Tuesday, November 19 ha...
November 3, 2019
11-3-19 Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. On Tuesday, there will be no school for all students, as it is a professiona...

October 28, 2019
Warren Central Families,
As part of Warren Central High School's Family Friendly Schools status with the Indiana Department of Education, I would like to invite each of you to ...
October 28, 2019
Good evening Warrior families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. With Halloween Thursday, I want to remind all of our students that costum...

October 23, 2019
Welcome to the Superintendent Spotlight! During the school year, I will be spotlighting people and programs throughout MSD Warren Township Schools that are having a positive impac...

October 21, 2019
Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. As we welcome back students tomorrow, I would like to iterate some CORE e...

September 30, 2019
9-29-19 Good evening Warrior Families! This is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. This is our final week before our two-week fall break. All students and staf...

September 25, 2019
Welcome to the Superintendent Spotlight! During the school year, I will be spotlighting people and programs throughout MSD Warren Township Schools that are having a positive impac...
September 22, 2019
Good evening, this is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. This week is College GO! Week. The College GO! Campaign aims to promote furthering educat...

September 20, 2019
Friday, September 20, we spent the day working with seniors for College Application Day to kick off College Go! Week, Sept. 23-27. Many colleges nationwide waived their fees today...