3rd Graders @sunnyheightsele in RM1 showing what they know so we can help them grow in Math! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Day 2 @sunnyheightsele has been full of sun, fun, and friends! What a great start to what will be an AMAZING year for our Eagles! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Happy 1st Day for @sunnyheightsele Kindergarten students as they begin their Journey of a Graduate! The Class of 2036 is official here! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
InCREdible Opening Day ceremony at WPAC. Thank you to all for the encouraging words, recognitions, and challenging us to be our BEST everyday for our AMAZING students! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
We had an AMAZING Back to School Night @sunnyheightsele to kick off the 2022-23 school! Students, families, and staff made connections that will lead to success. Thank you everyone! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
The 2022 Kindergarten Camp @sunnyheightsele was a huge success!! Our KG team welcomed over 35 incoming students and their families. We are looking forward to watching our newest Eagles begin their Journey to a Graduate, Class of 2036! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
It is time for the 2022-2023 Sunny Heights Back to School Night! Come join next Tuesday, July 26 from 5:00-6:30pm! #OURHeights
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Just a friendly reminder for the Immunization Clinic being held at Moorhead Community Resource Center on Monday, July 18th from 3-6pm. For more information on this clinic, inlcuding registration, please visit the LIVE FEED on our website, warren.k12.in.us.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
2022-2023 Immunization Requirements
MSD Warren Township is seeking outstanding teachers/staff for the 22-23 school year. Warren is a great place to work & provides highly competitive salary/benefits. Interested candidates can scan the attached QR code, contact our HR team at 317-869-4300 or visit warren.k12.in.us.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
Hiring Flier
The 2nd Annual Back to School Event at MCRC was a success! Great to see our families and Warren staff working together to help start the year off well!! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
MCRC's 2nd Annual Back to School event is being held at Moorhead Community Resource Center, 8400 E 10th St., on Tuesday, July 12th from 5:00 - 7:00. All MSD Warren students and families are welcome. See flier for additional details.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Tim Hanson
Back to School Event Flier
Attention all incoming Kindergarten students! Come join us for Kindergarten Camp to get a jump start on what will be an AMAZING school year! Cut and paste the link below to sign up! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKgI4HNMeFl1CzZgxYXmn2ZHGQ8CAwJYQ5JxrdiHKRoCQw1g/viewform
over 2 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
All Warren Township students and families are invited to the 2nd Annual MCRC Back to School event on July 12! Please see the flyer for full details.
over 2 years ago, MSD Warren Township
MCRC Back to School Event Flyer
You're invited to the Eastside Juneteenth Celebration on Sunday, June 19, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Warren Performing Arts Center.
over 2 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Eastside Juneteenth Celebration on Sunday, June 19, from noon to 5 p.m. at the Warren Performing Arts Center
Congratulations to all our 2022 @WCHS graduates! What a sight to see this morning…we are proud of our former @suunyheightsele grads! Your future is bright! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
almost 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
UPDATE: Power has been restored. Breakfast service has resumed at Brookview Elementary and Stonybrook IMS and will be served until 9 a.m. Lunch service will take place as planned from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
A power failure is disrupting breakfast service at our Brookview Elementary and Stonybrook IMS locations. A restoration crew is working to repair a transformer. We will provide an update on whether or not lunch service will be available at these two locations by 10:30 a.m.
almost 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
REMINDER: Summer meal service begins Tues., May 31, 2022. Breakfast (8-9 a.m.) and lunch (11-1 p.m.) will be served at no charge for all kids 18 and younger, Monday-Friday, now through July 22 at several locations. Details at https://warren.k12.in.us/article/754568
almost 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Summer Meals
Summer meal service begins on Tues., May 31, 2022. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no charge for all kids 18 and younger at several locations. Details at https://warren.k12.in.us/article/754568 #WarrenWill
almost 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Don't miss this month's 'Invest in Warren' May newsletter to stay up-to-date on what's happening in Warren Township schools! View this month's newsletter at https://psqr.io/DQqnlUm4E4​
almost 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township