WE NEED YOUR INPUT! Please take a moment to complete the 2021 Parent/Caregiver survey. Families can access the survey by navigating to surveys.panoramaed.com/msdwarren/family and selecting their child's school and clicking the Take Survey button. #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
MSD of Warren Township is proud to partner with the Indiana Immunization Coalition to offer flu shots, immunizations required for school-age children, and COVID-19 vaccines (age 12+) this Thursday, 10/21, from 4-7 p.m., at Moorhead Community Resource Center. Learn more at https://warren.k12.in.us/article/539085
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
This week, we're celebrating our amazing transportation team! Thank you for all that you do! #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Looking for an opportunity to be a part of an AMAZING team? Come join the staff @sunnyheightsele to support the growth of our students, school, and community! Positions available. Visit https://www.applitrack.com/warrentmsd/onlineapp/ to apply today! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Today is National Do Something Nice Day! This is a great reminder that doing good deeds makes the world better! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Eastside Pride was alive @sunnyheightsele on Wednesday as Sunny Heights and Warren alum Sean O'Brien & Nick Temple spoke to our 3rd and 4th graders. The duo shared their Warren journey and keys to being successful. Thank you for inspiring our students! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Last week, over 160 individuals were served during the Housing Assistance Workshops hosted by Moorhead Community Resource Center, alongside community partners. If you or someone you know is in need of housing assistance, please reach out to the Moorhead Community Resource Center at (317)532-3854. #WarrenWill invest in relationships with families and the community!
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
We're proud to host the first of two clinics for flu shots, immunizations required for school-age children, and COVID-19 vaccines (age 12+) tomorrow, 9/29 from 4-7 p.m., at Moorhead Community Resource Center. Learn more at https://warren.k12.in.us/article/539085
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Image of healthcare professional giving a young woman a vaccination with Warren Township logo and text that reads Immunization Clinic Wednesday, September 29, 2021 and Thursday, October 21, 2021 4-7 p.m. Moorhead Community Resource Center
1st graders @sunnyheightsele working on short-e’s, rhyming, and more early reading strategies every day!! #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
It's COLLEGE GO WEEK @sunnyheightsele! Did you know there are about 50 colleges in Indiana! Let's talk about opportunities here in our own state! #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
RM17 1st graders @sunnyheightsele have been learning about apples all week and now get a yummy treat! #OURHeights #WarrenWill 🍎🍎🍎
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
No plans for dinner? You are in luck...it is Sunny Heights Elementary's Papa John's Night! See the attached flyer for information about how to support @sunnyheightsele while enjoying a tasty dinner! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. @sunnheightsele will join the nation in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced our nation and society! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
If you are looking for a tasty way to support @sunnyheightsele here is a deal for you! Thursday, September 16th is our 1st Papa John's Night for Sunny Heights. Enjoy some great pizza and up to 25% of your order will be donated back to school! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Papa John's
Great night for HomeFest 2021! @sunnyheightsele PTA bringing the fun! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Join us at HomeFest this Friday from 4-7 p.m. at WCHS for the Fun Run (Grades PreK-8), carnival, vendors, kickball, food trucks, parade, and fun! Learn more at https://warren.k12.in.us/article/507945
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Warren Township Is Hiring!! Come join our Team Warren! #OURHeights #WarrenWill https://youtu.be/CtDeGgHQJHU
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Reminder: Join us for 'ParentVUE & ParentSquare Night' today, Aug 31 from 4-7 p.m. at Moorhead Community Resource Center! Free food boxes and backpacks while supplies last! Hope to see you soon! #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Targeted instruction @sunnyheightsele is a TEAM effort! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Join us for 'ParentVUE & ParentSquare Night' tomorrow, Aug 31 from 4-7 p.m. at Moorhead Community Resource Center to learn how to connect with your child's school! Plus, free food boxes and backpacks while supplies last! #WarrenWill
over 3 years ago, MSD of Warren Township
Noche de los padres conectados: ParentVUE & ParentSquare El Martes 31 de Agosto de 4 a 7 p.m. centro de recursos comunicatarios moorhead
Parent Connect: ParentVUE and ParentSquare Night Tuesday, August 31 from 4-7 p.m. Moorhead Community Resource Center