Pointillism is on display @sunnyheightsele by some inCREdible 2nd grade artists! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Families wanting to transition from in-person instruction to virtual or visa-versa, the window will be open Nov 13th to Nov 24th. The change for the entire second semester (3rd &4th quarters). Please check our homeschool webpage and weekly newsletters during that window.
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
A reminder to @sunnyheightsele families that there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Tuesday November 3rd as it is Election Day. Students will be eLearning. Teachers are available from 9:00am to 12:00pm for support. #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Today is the last day for families and caregivers of Warren Township to provide important feedback for our district! Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. #OURHeights #WarrenWill https://surveys.panoramaed.com/msdwarren/familyfall2020
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Check out this week’s Sunny Heighlights! #OURHeights #WarrenWill https://www.smore.com/vfmu8
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Dr. Hanson and Warren Township opens the Moorehead Community Resource Center! What an incredible new resource for our Warren Families! #WarrenWill #OURHeights
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Tuesday, November 3rd is an eLearning Day for Warren students! See the Sunny Heighlights tomorrow for more information. #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Warren Families check out this AMAZING new resource for families by attending the Drive-Thru Trunk-or-Treat & Food Distribution event at the Grand Opening of our Moorehead Community Resource Center this Friday! #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Families and Caregivers of Warren Township we would like your input on how MSD Warren is doing as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey via the link below. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/msdwarren/familyfall2020
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Check out this week's Sunny Heighlights. Have a GREAT weekend! #OURHeights #WarrenWill https://www.smore.com/zearf
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
NO SCHOOL! A reminder that today - Thursday, October 22 is Parent/Teacher Conference Day. We look forward to connecting with our families in order to support ALL our students! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Warren Township Basketball is looking for young Warriors to keep up the tradition of success! #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Families and Caregivers of Warren Township we would like your input on how MSD Warren is doing as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey via the link below. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/msdwarren/familyfall2020
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
It is GREAT to see all of our students and staff back from Fall Break! @sunnyheightsele is off to what will be an AMAZING 2nd Quarter! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Don't forget: breakfast and lunch distribution this afternoon from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at Warren Central High School and Moorhead Community Resource Center. See you soon!
over 4 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Reminder: Fall break breakfast and lunch distribution is this Tuesday, October 13, from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at Warren Central High School and Moorhead Community Resource Center.
over 4 years ago, MSD Warren Township
Recognizing the amazing teachers @sunnyheightsele as well as all teachers @msdwarren township on National Teacher's Day! Thank you all for the inCREdible work that you do every day! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
Have a great Fall Break! Here is the Sunny Heighlights for this week. #OURHeights #WarrenWill https://www.smore.com/jbp1w
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
1st Graders @sunnyheightsele ❤ showing off their AMAZING reading skills! GO EAGLES! #OURHeights #WarrenWill
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary
RM5 @sunnyheightsele had a great time talking about different cultures and celebrating EVERYONE's heritage! Even had a yummy way to experience Hispanic Heritage Month! #OURHeights WarrenWIll
over 4 years ago, Sunny Heights Elementary